Would you re-hire you?

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At the final stage, in what can sometimes be a long recruitment process,we may be asked to perform reference checks on behalf of our Client. It is always with the slightest of trepidation that I ask the ‘would you re-hire him/her ‘ question for fear I get a negative response to it. Only once has someone said ‘No’.

The question got me thinking recently…..what would my managers, throughout my career, have answered ? I’m hoping a resounding ‘yes’ but my perspective on the job I did is most likely rose tinted. It’s a good question to ask yourself, in your current role, every now and again.

Based on my current performance should my manager re-hire me?

It’s no harm for us to do some soul searching on our performance. Am I doing what I was employed to do ? If not, why not ? Have I the right attitude or am I a pain in the ass to those working with me? Oh there are a million things outside of your control which can affect your performance but are there things within your control which you can change. Assuming you want to stay where you are and build your career with your current employer, what could you do differently ?

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