See you on the other side

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The death of Gerry Ryan last week saddened me …not because I listened to him every morning but when I did I thought he had a wonderful f**k that attitude and a swagger to go with it. That will be missed. He vocalised every day what most of us Irish think a lot of the time but don’t say loud enough.

The Celtic Tiger has been and gone but it has given us lots. It gave us a confidence and a swagger which people say we didn’t have prior to it but which we know now is our right to hold on to. People constantly whine about the government not doing enough to ‘pull in the reigns’ during the good years but the Quinn Direct controversy over the past few weeks has shown me that no government would have had the courage to stop it. We bemoaned the lack of regulation in the Celtic Era and when we get a Financial Regulator who has the balls to stick to his guns our ridiculous local politicians jump on the crazy band wagon and say he is going too far.

Let’s move on. Our wonderful confidence and swagger is visible now on twitter, blogs, facebook, etc and although I find it difficult to give my tweets the ‘wow’ factor I constantly marvel at the genuine energy in tweets such as ‘Helen Treacy’s,’ EndaMadden’, ‘Marketing Elves’ to name but a few. I’ll stick to the blog ! This recession may get worse before it get’s better !  We’ll get through because we need and want to. We’ve got the swagger. See you on the other side !

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