Nerves crippling you before an interview ?

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Interviews are a big deal to most of us.

The thoughts of:

  • facing a panel of people you have never met (or maybe have!)
  • answering questions on your career and achievements in an ‘insightful and engaging way’
  • preempting that difficult question
  • failure

all cause the nerves to go wild.

Often the pressure of an interview situation can make us act differently. The more we want the job the more nervous we become. If we don’t feel and sound like ourselves, we’ll want the uncomfortable experience to end. By that I mean – answer the questions as quickly as possible and get the hell out of the there!

If a nervous panic is the only thing that stands between you and that next good career move, then it is very much worth your while figuring out a strategy which works for you. There is absolutely loads of advice available on the internet from clenching your buttocks to sticking your tongue out as far as it will go (I presume this is not done in the interview). The key is to find a method which will work, in advance of the interview date. Don’t add this to the ‘to do’ list the night before or morning of the interview.

Coming across well in interviews is largely a case of mind over matter. If all else fails smile, take a slow deep breath and tell yourself: ‘Win or lose, this will all be over soon!’.

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