Couldn’t say it better myself

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I found the following information on the website on employing part-time staff. It succintly gives the benefits to employing part-time staff which all employer’s should consider prior to recruiting. I have summarised as follows  :-

When you design jobs and recruit staff, don’t start from the assumption that every job must be full time. Instead consider the tasks that must be completed and then work out how many hours this might take. You might find that a part-time professional would be better for some, if not all, of the posts.

Employing part-time staff brings a range of business benefits, such as:

  • an efficient way to keep costs down in areas where you don’t yet need full-time cover
  • increases recruitment and retention of staff by offering family-friendly working practices 
  • shows potential clients and customers that you value having a diverse workforce and ethical employment practices
  • allows you to bring in highly skilled and experienced staff members even when you have a fixed budget and can’t afford to bring someone in on a full-time basis
  • expands the pool of potential recruits – part-time work tends to attract parents with younger children and older people, who may not want to work full time but can bring a wealth of skills, experience and expertise
  • increases the ability of your business to respond to change and peaks of demands
  • helps to reduce the workloads of other staff, eg when you don’t have enough work for a new full-time position but are regularly using overtime to meet demands – this can reduce your overtime costs and help prevent the negative effects of stress and fatigue

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